Honorable Shri. Vitthalrao M. Jadhav
(Founder President of Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Education Science & Technological Research Trust.
Former Member of Parliament, (Rajyasabha)
Dear Friends,
Agricultural Biotechnology is rapid growing area of plant biology and potential tool towards further increasing the agricultural production. The emergence of plant biotechnology has given the optimism for the faster development of agriculture, horticulture and forestry through the production of novel cultivators and newer techniques. Keeping in view, the scope of Agriculture Biotechnology, I have started Agricultural Biotechnology College at Nanded with the name of “Bapu” (Mahatma Gandhi). In association with Krishi Vigyan Kendra of our trust, I want to spread the knowledge and importance of this science to the farmers of Nanded district as well as Maharashtra so that they can get the elite plants and increase their production in limited sources. I dream to establish Educational organization with excellence and prepare my students with full practical knowledge, which generate the employment potential for educated students of Maharashtra and other states.